Asset Publisher
HHR is committed to offering an accessible website, providing a set of useful contents and functionalities, and allowing access by the largest possible number of users, including groups of people with disabilities and elderly.
In order to adapt to the Web Accessibility criteria, the following policies that are regulated at an international level have been taken as a reference.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.1, in the AA conformance level
WCAG 2.1 is an evolution of WCAG 2.0. This is an international recommendation on how to make the contents of the Web accessible to people with disabilities and was approved in December 2018. They take into account the new technological factors and the experience derived from the use of WCAG 2.0 and its use begins at spread more and more in the web portals.
On the other hand, there are some sections and elements wich specific and technical characteristics that are not adapted according to the adopted Accessibility measures. These sections are linked with visual elements that are not allow to accessible version.
However, HHR is committed to keep on working to resolve this possible aspects that could hinder the access to portal contents.
The ISO / IEC 40500: 2012 standard, approved in October 2011, is the international standard that compiles the WCAG 2.0 web accessibility guidelines. In this way, the different national legislations can pick up references to this standard favoring international harmonization.
Well-named pages with descriptive titles.
Easy identification and location of user errors. Use of alternative text to facilitate the description of non-text content.
It is possible to adapt the text size without losing quality or functionality.
Clear separation between content and presentation.
Prepare to mobile users.
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