Asset Publisher

Tariff Fare Test


  Makkah Business Economy Jeddah Business Economy KAIA Business Economy KAEC Business Economy Madinah Business Economy
Makkah   90 SAR | 40 SAR 101.4 SAR | 60 SAR 195 SAR | 85 SAR 455 SAR | 150 SAR
Jeddah 90 SAR | 40 SAR   40 SAR | 20 SAR 110 SAR | 50 SAR 375 SAR | 125 SAR
KAIA 101.4 SAR | 60 SAR 40 SAR | 20 SAR   105 SAR | 50 SAR 365 SAR | 120 SAR
KAEC 195 SAR | 85 SAR 110 SAR | 50 SAR 105 SAR | 50 SAR   270 SAR | 100 SAR
Madinah 455 SAR | 150 SAR 375 SAR | 125 SAR 365 SAR | 120 SAR 270 SAR | 100 SAR  
  • Business class iconBusiness class
  • Econmy class iconEconomy class

Boarding time from 60 min. to 10 min. before departure. Excess baggage not allowed. Tickets bought at stations ticket offices and vending machines cannot be changed or refunded.

40% disc. children
90% disc. infants
50% disc. PRM
Seat selection: FREE
Changes and Cancellation (Time before departure): FREE

*VAT & Fees not included  

Fares details information

Children traveling in Economy class are entitled to a 50% discount off the base fare.

Children traveling in Business class are entitled to a 40% discount off the base fare.

Infant occupying a seat and sharing a seat with an adult are entitled to a 90% discount of the base fare. (Only one infant allowed per adult).

Other infants occupying a seat are entitled to the same discounts as children. (40% and 50%).

Passengers with special needs are entitled to a 50% discount off the fare base, as long as their Identification Document is eligible for such discount.

* Please note that these table represents the basic fare for each journey, and the actual price of your ticket may vary depending on your date of travel, occupancy of the train and other factors.

Economy *Minimun price
 Up to 24h24h - 20 min20 min - departure
Changes10%20%No changes are allowed
Cancelations20%50%No cancelations are allowed
Business *Minimum price
 Up to 24h24h - 20 min20 min - departure
ChangesFree10%No changes are allowed
CancelationsFree35%No cancelations are allowed